NY/NJ: 845-883-7300

Client driven quality

The primary goal of our company is to develop a unique working relationship or “quality partnership” between our client and the entire design-build team which insures your requirements are properly identified, clearly communicated, and accurately fulfilled during the entire course of your project. The power of this relationship lies in its “Win/Win” nature which establishes a cooperative, rather than a competitive framework for decision making and places your satisfaction first.

Our clients are typically successful individuals with demanding
careers who put quality and cost effectiveness first on their list of
building requirements. They expect their projects to be
professionally managed in a way that leaves them free to interact at
their own desired level of participation. They demand that the latest
in product technology and building techniques be employed during
construction and expect all work to be well planned, managed and
efficiently executed to insure overall cost effectiveness.

Our ability to construct architecturally classic designs that will
meet your highest expectations is derived from the vast experience
and creative talents of our Design-Build team. Because we believe
the most important assets of any company are the integrity and
skills of its people we hope you will appreciate and carefully
consider how RBG Design-Build’s team of skilled professionals will
insure the success of your project.